The end of the summer is often a time when people begin to struggle with their mental health. The deteriorating weather and lengthening nights can quickly have a negative impact on your frame of mind.
But it’s not just the season or the weather. Poor mental health can be the result of many things. We’re all different, after all.
My mental health is important.
As an owner and Director of a business, my mental health is extremely important to me. I have a responsibility to my colleagues and customers, and I’m very aware that if my mental health is poor, it may impact my performance and responsibilities at work.
For me, poor mental health is usually triggered by problems or issues at work. I care about the quality of service that we offer, the impact of getting something wrong, and the welfare of my colleagues and our contractors. So, my mental health tends to suffer when things go wrong or get tough.
Finding ways to combat poor mental health.
I can’t lie; I’m a bit of a limelight hogger.
I’ve always loved performing, even from a young age. It’s why I’m currently part of the Sing4you community choir.
We get together each week and practise songs as well as having a bit of a natter. We also do public performances and charity events, and I’m never one to shy away from volunteering for a solo (or two).
For me, the choir is the perfect pick me up, and I’ve recognised over time that my participation always positively impacts my mental health. Research has shown that participating in choral activities can have a profound positive impact on our psychological well-being.
Not only does choir foster a sense of belonging and social connection, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation, but singing also releases endorphins, the body's natural mood-enhancing chemicals.
When I’m singing, I feel great, and it’s like all my worries wash away.
TJW Contract Solutions - Supporting charities and mental health.
We have a charity performance in October in support of Thames Hospice. I’m looking forward to getting the chance to sing in aid of a wonderful cause, and TJW Contract Solutions will also be donating some raffle prizes to help aid fundraising.
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